correlate /'k?r?leit/
v. 相关联
Correlate 是前缀 co- 加上 relate
Co- 这个前缀表示“相互”,relate 的意思是“与……有关联”。
所以 correlate 的意思就是“相互关联”、“互相之间有联系”。
The figures do not seem to correlate.
correlate /'k?r?leit/
v. 相关联
We already know that cats can be as neurotic as their owners are, but just how deep are the personality ties between felines and the humans who look after them?
Pretty deep, according to new research from scientists in the UK, who found that personality traits of cat owners correlated with related behaviours exhibited by their pets – suggesting that, to some extent, your cat might be absorbing and mirroring aspects of your own personality.