Proof of delivery (POD) is a method to establish the fact that a recipient received contents sent by a sender. When the sender sends multiple documents through the mail, there is a possibility of some not reaching the intended recipient.交付证明( POD ) 是一种确定收件人收到发件人发送的内容这一事实的方法。当发件人通过邮件发送多份文件时,有可能有些文件无法到达预期的收件人。
Generally, post offices provide additional service of guaranteed delivery, known as an avis de réception (advice or acknowledgment of receipt), wherein they require the recipient to sign a paper, and that paper is filed by the postal service for a specified number of days.通常,邮局提供额外的保证送达服务,称为avis de réception(通知或收据确认),其中他们要求收件人签署一份文件,并且该文件由邮政服务归档指定的天数.
Proof of delivery becomes very important when legal and financial documents are to be exchanged between two parties. In the United States, DHL, UPS and FedEx as well as the US postal service (USPS) provide proof of delivery. 当双方要交换法律和财务文件时,交付证明变得非常重要。在美国,DHL、UPS和FedEx以及美国邮政服务 ( USPS ) 提供送达证明。商业车队运营商还需要能够确认向其客户交付货物的证明。
Commercial fleet operators also need to be able to confirm proof of delivery of goods to their customers.In e-commerce, businesses exchange millions[citation needed] of electronic documents to track delivery information using computer to computer communication techniques like email, FTP and EDI. 在电子商务中,企业使用电子邮件、 FTP和EDI等计算机到计算机的通信技术交换数百万[需要引用]的电子文档以跟踪交付信息。
These documents contain a variety of transaction details, including information regarding purchase orders, invoices, shipping details, product specifications, and price quotes. Electronic documents can exchange new data as well as corrections to previously transmitted messages.这些文件包含各种交易细节,包括有关采购订单、发票、运输细节、产品规格和报价的信息。电子文档可以交换新数据以及对先前传输的消息的更正。
Legal complications can arise if the recipient company refutes receiving a corrected product specification or a message about a delayed shipment. 如果收货公司拒绝接收更正的产品规格或有关延迟发货的消息,则可能会出现法律纠纷。
Both companies could be in strong disagreement with each other, each proving/not proving the existence of that particular communication.两家公司之间可能存在强烈分歧,各自证明/不证明该特定通信的存在。
Bill of Lading / Proof of Delivery
A BOL and POD are essentially the same thing.
BOL 和 POD 本质上是一样的
Your BOL is the receipt of the goods you are shipping to Amazon and a POD is returned once the goods have been accepted into the Fulfilment Centre. 您的 BOL 是您运送到亚马逊的货物的收据,一旦货物被运营中心接受,POD 将被退回。
What is the wait for POD/BOL?
等待 POD/BOL 的时间是什么?
If you need a BOL prior to delivery you may be trying to book your goods into the Amazon Fulfilment Centre yourself.如果您在交货前需要 BOL,您可能会尝试自己将货物预订到亚马逊运营中心。
As a preferred carrier we book your goods into Amazon for you. Once you've added your goods in your Seller Central account and label them we take over for you.作为首选承运人,我们为您将货物预订到亚马逊。一旦您将商品添加到您的卖家中心账户并贴上标签,我们就会为您接管。
We will provide you with a BOL (also known as a POD - Proof of Delivery) within 5 days of your goods being delivered into the Amazon Fulfilment Centre.我们将在您的商品交付到亚马逊运营中心后的 5 天内为您提供 BOL(也称为 POD - 交货证明)。
Once your goods reach the Fulfilment Centre, Amazon is allowed between 5 to 10 working days to return Proof of Delivery. 一旦您的货物到达运营中心,亚马逊可以在 5 到 10 个工作日内退回交货证明。
Can I request a BOL before delivery?
我可以在交货前申请 BOL 吗?
If you are requesting a Bill Of Lading before delivery then you may be trying to book your goods into the Amazon Fulfilment Centre without our help.如果您在交货前索取提单,那么您可能会在没有我们帮助的情况下尝试将您的货物登记到亚马逊运营中心。
All you need to do is select all the products you wish to send to Amazon in your Seller Central account, print out your labels and attach them to your pallets.您需要做的就是在您的卖家中心帐户中选择您希望发送到亚马逊的所有产品,打印出您的标签并将它们贴在您的货盘上。
When your goods reach your chosen Amazon Fulfilment Centre, a Proof Of Delivery receipt will be created and sent to you within 10 working days. 当您的货物到达您选择的亚马逊运营中心时,将创建一份送货证明收据并在 10 个工作日内发送给您。