海关扣关,即交易订单的货物因为不符合通关要求而被进口目的地海关扣留,客户未收到货物。这种情况一旦出现,无论是客户的原因,还是物流商和卖家的原因,都会影响到卖家的利益,所以一定要降低此类风险。货物被进口目的地海关扣留时,常见物流状态有“Handed over to Customs”(移交海关)等。
寄出的货物一旦被海关扣关,客服人员应立刻和客户联系,尽量说服客户协助清关。如果清关费低,可以先和客户协商清关费双方平摊。如果客户不愿意,看包裹能否退回。如果是 EMS 之类的,包裹可以免费寄回,客服人员可以与客户沟通等包裹寄回后再重新给他发货;若包裹不能寄回,清关费又很高,这种情况下可能需要卖家放弃包裹。这是因为如果拖着不处理货物,一旦客户没收到货,发起争议对卖家是非常不利的。具体与客户沟通的邮件,可以参考下列范文。
Dear friend,
We are sorry to inform you that your item is held by Customs and need your help to do the clearance.Could you please kindly contact your local post office/DHL for details?
Best regards!
Dear friend.
I'd like to tell you that our price is CFR price.
It's without customs fee.
We are sorry that the Tax need to be paid at your end, because we make a clear note in our description.
I'm afraid it's your obligation to clear the customs by yourself.
We can offer you the commercial invoice to clear the customs.
Hope what we've done can make you satisfied.
Best regards!
Dear XXX,
Thanks for your purchasing in our shop and we are sorry to tell you that the parcel was kept at the custom.
Status: (包裹状况)
According to the rule of Alixpress, buyer have the duty to clear the custom and get the parcel.
We also hope you can clear the custom as soon as possible and get the favor.
Please feel free to contact us if there's anything we can be of help.
Best regards!