举个例子,在了解市场的基本汇率的前提下,你必须要通过邮件查看客户与你合作的意向,让客户知道你对与他的合作非常感兴趣,并且对合作动向非常关注。重点表现出诚意!不要写得太长!要有持续性!言简意赅!例如:Dear sir,How are you?I hope everything is going well with you.I hold great enthusiasm to wonder whether you have any pending orders(未决订单) or inquiries(询盘,询价)recently.If so,contact me without any hesitation.I will rely to you carefully and quickly if you have interest in our products or service,and I feel honored to make a cooperation with you.Thank you very much!Best regards,XXX这个其实已经有点长了,以后写的时候尽量把客套的话少些一点,说重点,要表示出诚意,要经常联系客户,让他知道你是非常重视他的。OK。这一段的知识告一段落。当顾客看了你的邮件后,决定与你合作之后,而且货物已经发给客户了以后,你要做的是询问顾客对货物以及服务的感受。这时候,还要继续通过邮件的形式表示出对顾客的关切,以便于完成两件事:
Dear sir,How is it going these days?Well,the topic of this mail is to deliver my concern to you about our cooperation last time.First,have you received our goods?How do you feel?Second,how is the quality of the goods?Are you satisfied?What's your feeling?Third,if you have any questions about our goods or our conversations,contact me rightly.Thanks!Best regards,XXXOK。以上呢是贸易跟进的邮件表述。邮件的作用是向客户保证你是重视他的,同时重视自己的服务质量和对沟通的高要求,并期待与他进行下一次合作。顾客看了你的邮件之后,可能本来对服务或者货物有一些问题,但是因为你的热情与主动,再加上有效合理的沟通,反而会让这些小问题成为你们下一次合作的基础!这样的话,不出意外,你只要考虑新的订单便可以了!一般对于外贸人来说,紧急的事情很多,但是首先需要做的往往是重要的事情,这样可以提高工作效率,防止本末倒置。换句话说,要有计划,把重要的事情分步骤进行。不过,下面我说的是,在保证计划稳定和有条理的前提下,如何有效的使用邮件的快捷回复功能,来达到继续提高工作效率的目的。请集中注意力啦。第一种情况:出差了来不及查看邮箱。这时候的自动回复要怎幺书写呢。我归结为两点:
Dear sir,I am sorry to tell you that I have some business things to deal with for several days.So I can't check my e-mail in time.If you have any urgent issues to discuss with me,please call me at xxx-xxxx-xxxx.Hope you have a happy day!Yours sincerely,XXX
第三,把目前的市场行情跟顾客简单说一下,也就是阐明要求修改价格的现实基础。Dear sir,We regret that it is hard to meet your target price(目标价格).It is low and we can't get enough margin profits(边际收益).Well,the real condition is that the price of the material cost is rising 6% perton,rising sharply these days.We don't have enough money.At the same time,the exchange rate floats up and down,unsteadily,during this two weeks.Certainly,we want you to be our long-time cooperation partners,but these problems get in the way of our coopertion.We want understanding and your support.Thanks!Best regards,XXX好啦,以上基本上是今天要讲的内容,希望能对你的外贸生涯有所帮助,我们下回见!