邮件内容表明,亚马逊将只索引产品详情页后台关键词的前250个字符。这适用于所有五个搜索关键词栏(search term field),而这项改变最大的意义在于:
亚马逊还将停止对通用关键词字段进行部分匹配(partial matching),因为它认为没有人会搜索一大段的关键词。
首先,如果你不知道一个产品的ASIN,请转到产品的详情页。登陆这个页面后,可以在URL中找到10位数的ASIN。以下苹果切片器(apple slicer)的这个例子,它的ASIN是B00XTCERLE。
比如,如果我想知道这个苹果切片器是否能被关键词“slicer”索引,你只需将“B00XTCERLE + slicer”放入搜索栏,然后按Enter键即可。
如果该ASIN被这个关键词索引了,则该产品就会在搜索结果页面上显示,如果没有被索引,比如我搜索B00XTCERLE + manzana,搜索结果页面就会显示:“你的搜索‘B00XTCERLE + manzana’没有匹配任何产品。
如果你想从反向ASIN查询过程中得到更多信息,那幺你可以使用Scope Google Chrome(谷歌浏览器)的扩展程序。
首先,转到要研究的亚马逊产品详情页,然后选择页面右下角的“Show Scope”。以苹果切片器为例,从上图可以看到,Scope为这个苹果切片器展示了217个各种长尾格式的关键词。
Dear Seller,
Thank you for writing back to us andletting us know that the issue has been fixed when the keywords are shortenedto no more than 250 characters.
Please be informed that I havecontacted our concerned team and received a response stating that as the Searchteam is constantly working to improve the relevance of search results for ourcustomers. This help our sellers too, since we can remove non-relevant productsand let sellers compete with smaller result sets of only relevant items.
Our concerned team is running a projecton this to help optimize our approach, and have not yet finalized anycommunication, but that is still in progress.
As of now this is working as designed, the system ignores any generickeywords over 250 bytes for all the categories including health and personaland beauty. In addition, we were also informed that our system donot do partial matching of Generic Keywords fields and it is unlikely thatanyone will search for paragraphs of keywords in their entirety.
AS per the help seller can put 1000 characters but our system can indexonly 250 characters at maximum.
Please know that we currently do not have an option of indexing thekeywords to more than 250 characters. I apologize if this policy doesn’t meetyour business needs.
I do understand that this may helpyou for better buyer experience. However, at this time, this feature is notavailable for our sellers.
As to make sure that you are heard, Ihave passed your message to the Business team as a feedback, so they are awareof your interest.
As we continue to improve both ourplatform and our service, input from Sellers like you is valuable. I trulyappreciate your suggestion as this is a great input for Amazon to work upon andthis can actually be of great help to Sellers as well as Buyers.
If there are changes pertaining to this, Sellers will be notified viaSeller Central. We encourage you to keep checking, as functionality is oftenrefined over time.
We strive to make your sellingexperience on Amazon as eventful as possible and therefore we are willing toextend any help that you may need at any time.
I personally wish I was able to do alot more in this regard however, as the Policies are determined by our Businessteam we at Seller Support would not be able to influence those decisions.
We wish you great success in yourfuture endeavors. Have a wonderful day!